
Chapter 2 Relational Model


  • Structure of Relational Databases
  • Database Schema
  • Keys
  • Schema Diagrams
  • Relational Query Languages
  • The Relational Algebra

Basic Structure

Formally, given sets \(D_1, D_2, … D_n\) a relation \(r\) is a subset of \(D_1 \times D_2 \times … D_n\).Thus, a relation is a set of n-tuples \((a_1, a_2, …, a_n)\) where each \(a_i \in D_i\)


  • relation(关系) : 表
  • tuple(元组) :行
  • Attribute(属性) : 列

Relation Schema and Instance

A1, A2, …, An are attributes R = (A1, A2, …, An ) is a relation schema


instructor = (ID, name, dept_name, salary)

A relation instance r defined over schema \(R\) is denoted by \(r(R)\). The current values a relation are specified by a table An element \(t\) of relation \(r\) is called a tuple and is represented by a row in a table


  • The set of allowed values for each attribute is called the domain(域) of the attribute
  • Attribute values are (normally) required to be atomic(原子的); that is, indivisible
  • The special value null(空值) is a member of every domain
  • The null value causes complications in the definition of many operations


  • Let \(K \subseteq R\)
  • K is a superkey(超健) of R if values for K are sufficient to identify a unique tuple of each possible relation \(r(R)\)


{ID} and {ID,name} are both superkeys of instructor.

S- uperkey K is a candidate key(候选健) if K is minimal


{ID} is a candidate key for Instructor

  • One of the candidate keys is selected to be the primary key(主键).

Foreign key(外键) constraint from attribute(s) A of relation \(r_1\) to the primary key B of relation r2 states that on any database instance, the value of A for each tuple in \(r_1\) must also be the value of B for some tuple in \(r_2\).

Foreign key Example

  • foreign key \((A_{j1},A_{j2}, \ldots A_{jm})\) references \(s\)
    foreign key(dept_name)references department(dept_name)
  • superkey(超健) :可以确定一个元组的一个或多个属性的集合(可能包含无关紧要的)
  • candidate key(候选健) :最小的超码,任意真子集都不是超码
  • primary key(主码):区分元组的主要方式的候选码
  • Foreign key(外码):表明引用与被引用关系

Schema Diagram for University Database

  • 实体完整性(Entity Integrity)
  • 参照完整性(Referential Integrity)
  • 用户定义的完整性(User-defined Integrity)

Relational Query Languages(关系查询语言)

  • Procedural vs.non-procedural, or declarative
  • “Pure” languages:
  • Relational algebra(关系代数)(对关系进行操作,结果仍是关系)
  • Tuple relational calculus(元组关系演算)
  • Domain relational calculus(域关系演算)
  • The above 3 pure languages are equivalent in computing power
  • We will concentrate on relational algebra
  • Not Turing-machine equivalent
  • Consists of 6 basic operations

Relational algebra(关系代数)

  • select(选择): \(\sigma\)
  • project(投影): \(\Pi\)
  • union(并集): \(\cup\)
  • set difference(集差): \(-\)
  • Cartesian product(笛卡尔积): \(x\)
  • rename(更名): \(\rho\)






  • \(\sigma_p(r)=\{t|t\in r\ and\ p(t)\}\) , where \(p\) is called selection predicate.
Select Example


  • The project operation is a unary operation that returns its argument relation, with certain attributes left out.(可以过滤特定的属性)
  • \(\prod_{A_1,A_2,\ldots, A_k}(r)\) where \(A_i\) are attribute names and \(r\) is a relation name.
  • The result is defined as the relation of k columns obtained by erasing the columns that are not listed. 会对结果进行去重。
Projection Example


  • The union operation allows us to combine two relations. \(r\cup s = \{t| t\in r \ or \ t\in s\}\)
  • \(r\) and \(s\) must have the same arity (元数) (same number f attributes)
  • The attribute domains must be compatible(相容)
  • 当属性有关联类型时,对于每个输入 \(i\), 两个输入关系的第 \(i\) 个属性的类型必须相同。
Projection Example

Set Difference

  • The set-difference operation allows us to find tuples that are in one relation but are not in another. (r里面有而s里面没有)\(r-s=\{t|t\in r\ and\ t\notin s\}\)

  • Set differences must be taken between compatible relations.

Projection Example


  • The Cartesian-product operation (denoted by \(\times\)) allows us to combine information from any two relations. (两个表里的元组各自相乘) \(r\times s =\{t\ q|t\in r\ and\ q\in s\}\)
Projection Example




Allows us to refer to a relation by more than one name. \(\rho_X(E)\)

Composition of Operations 1

Find the names of all instructors in the Physics department, along with the course_id of all courses they have taught.

这两条语句含义一样,但第二条我们先进行了一次 select, 条目少了更高效.



Composition of Operations 2

Find the largest salary in the university.

  • find instructor salaries that are less than some other instructor salary (i.e. not maximum)
    using a copy of instructor under a new name \(d\).
    \(\prod_{instructor.salary}(\sigma_{instructor.salary<d.salary}(instructor \times \rho_d(instructor)))\)
  • find the largest salary
    \(\prod_{instructor}-\prod_{instructor.salary}(\sigma_{instructor.salary}<d.salary(instructor\times \rho_d(instructor)))\)

我们第一步将两个关系拼起来之后,限定 instructor 的工资小于 d, 随后投影我们就可以获得所有不是最大值的薪水。(因为任何不是最大值的薪水都会在笛卡尔积 select 后至少存在一个元组,这样投影之后仍会存在。但最大值就不会有元组存在),最后用全集减掉即可。

Additional Operations




  • Set intersection(交集): \(r \cap s\)
  • Natural join(自然连接): \(r \Join s\)
  • Semijoin(半连接): $\ltimes_\theta $
  • Assignment(赋值): $ \leftarrow $
  • Outer join(外连接): \(r \ltimes s,r \rtimes s, r ⟗ s\)
  • Division Operator(分部编号): $r \div s $

Natural-Join Operation

Let r and s be relations on schemas R and S respectively. Then, \(r\bowtie s\) is a relation on schema \(R \cup S\) obtained as follows:

  • Consider each pair of tuples \(t_r\) from \(r\) and \(t_s\) from \(s\).
  • If \(t_r\) and \(t_s\) have the same value on each of the attributes in \(R \cap S\), add a tuple $t $ to the result, where

    • \(t\) has the same value as \(t_r\) on \(r\)
    • \(t\) has the same value as \(t_s\) on \(s\)
  • 即共同属性要有相同的值,才能在拼接后的结果中保留。

  • 对乘法的扩展,相当于先 \(\times\) 再 select, 最后 project.
  • 先笛卡尔积,完了进行选择,最后投影
Natural Join Example

Theta Join(连接)

  • \(r\bowtie_\theta s=\sigma_\theta (r\times s)\)可以理解为条件连接,但是也可以理解为自然连接是用隐式谓词取代了\(\theta\)的连接

Outer Join


Computes the join and then adds tuples form one relation that does not match tuples in the other relation to the result of the join.

Uses null values:

  • null signifies that the value is unknown or does not exist
  • All comparisons involving null are (roughly speaking) false by definition

Outer join can be expressed using basic operations.

  • \(r\rtimes s=(r\bowtie s)\cup (r-\cap_R(r\bowtie s)\times \{null,\ldots,null\})\)
  • \(r\ltimes s=(r\bowtie s)\cup \{null,\ldots,null\}\times (s-\cap_R(r\bowtie s))\)
  • \(r\)\(s\) \(=(r\bowtie s)\cup (r-\cap_R(r\bowtie s))\times \{(null, \ldots)\}\cup\{(null,\ldots,null)\}\times (s-\cap_s(r\bowtie s))\)

  • Left outer join(左外连接):只保留出现在左外连接符之前的关系中的元组

  • Right outer join(右外连接):只保留出现在右外连接符之后的关系中的元组
  • Full outer join(全外连接):保留两个关系中的元组
Outer Join Example


\(r\ltimes_\theta s\) 保留 \(r\) 中能与 \(s\) 相连的元组(在给定条件下)的集合(最大子集),相当于筛选。

\(r\ltimes_\theta s = \sigma()\)

Semijoin Example




  • 查询包含另外一个表中所有信息的元组集合的共同元素
  • Given relations \(r(R)\) and \(s(S)\), such that \(S \subset R\), \(r\div s\) is the largest relation \(t(R-S)\) such that \(t\times s \subsetneqq r\)

  • We can write \(r\div s\) as

\[ \begin{align*} temp1 & \leftarrow \Pi_{R-S}(r)\\ temp2 & \leftarrow \Pi_{R-S}((temp1 \times s)- \Pi_{R-S,S}(r))\\ result & = temp1 - temp2 \end{align*} \]
Division Example

Extended Relational-Algebra-Operations


  • Generalized Projection
  • Aggregate Functions

Generalized Projection

  • 一般化投影generalized projection是投影projection的扩展,是带上了算术运算的
  • \(E\) is any relational-algebra expression
  • Each of $F_1, F_2, …, F_n $are arithmetic expressions involving constants and attributes in the schema of \(E\).
  • Given relation instructor(ID, name, dept_name, salary) where salary is annual salary, get the same information but with monthly salary
\[\Pi_{F_1,F_2 \ldots F_n}(E)\]
Generalized Projection Example

Aggregate Functions and Operations

  • Aggregation function(聚合函数)takes a collection of values and returns a single value as a result.

    • avg: average value
    • min: minimum value
    • max: maximum value
    • sum: sum of values
    • count: number of values
  • Aggregate operation in relational algebra \(G_1,G_2,\ldots,G_n \mathcal{G}_{F_1(A_1),\ldots F_n(A_n)}(E)\)

Aggregate Operation Example

分组结果没有名字,可以用 rename 或者 as 进行改名。
e.g. dept_name G avg(salary) as avg_sal (instructor)

Multiset Relational Algebra

  • 关系代数中,我们要求关系要是一个严格的集合。
  • 但实际数据库中并不是,而是一个多重集,允许有重复元素存在。
  • 因为一些操作的中间结果会带来重复元素,要保持集合特性开销很大,因此实际操作中不会去重 。

SQL and Relational Algebra

  • select A1, A2, ... An from r1, r2, ... rm where P is equivalent to \(\Pi_{A_1,\ldots, A_n}(\sigma_P(r_1\times r_2\ldots r_m))\)
  • select A1, A2, sum(A3) from r1, r2, ... rm where P group by A1, A2 is equivalent to \(A_1, A_2 \mathcal{G} sum(A_3)(\sigma_P(r_1\times r_2\times\ldots r_m))\)
    这里按 \(A_1,A_2\) 分组,那么结果的表中会有 \(A_1,A_2,sum(A_3)\) 三列(分组依据+分组后的聚合结果),这里我们需要的就是这三列,所以分组即可。但是假设我们只需要 \(A_1, sumA3\) 那么最后还需要投影。
